Monday, January 14, 2013


Really, time flies so fast. Finally was able to update my blog. Been ages since the last time i posted something in here. I don't know how would i start this one. A lot of things happened to me. I passed NLE, had heartbreak but eventually learned to love again. Yes, in just a year. I decided to make this our blog. Changed pictures, background and everything just to make it a couple blog. hehe! I promise to update this blog as often as WE can. =) Since we're both heavy eaters, expect variety of foods from random restaurants. We usually hang out on thursdays and saturdays. Expect silly faces on the road. haha! and make room for some cheesy moments(forgive us, but we can't hide it) haahah! Non-hang-out days are my keep-your-blog-updated days. haha! Excited for a new blog post. Have so many things to catch up here. ",)